
Robot Devastation has a series of unit tests to support Test-Driven Development and Continuous Integration. This section describes the purpose of each test.


This test is not automated.

The test displays the DeadScreen with a countdown starting at 10.


Automated test.

This test checks the transitions from DeadState to other states: DeadStateGoesToRespawn and DeadStateGoesToLogout. In each state it also checks the actions allowed by that state.


Automated test.

Checks that the FSM class works, creating an instance by hand (not using the builder) and then triggering the different conditions for each transition. Conditions are triggered using a YARP port.


Automated test.

Checks that the FSM class works, creating an instance using the Builder class and then triggering the different conditions for each transition. Conditions are triggered using a YARP port.


This test is not automated.

The test displays the GameScreen with different game elements (HUD, enemies, etc).


Automated test.

This test checks the transitions from GameState to other states. It also checks the different actions allowed in this State, such as moving the robot, shooting and dying.


This test is not automated.

The test displays the InitScreen.


Automated test.

This test checks the transitions from InitState to other states. It also checks the different actions allowed in this State, such as logging in and exiting the game.


Automated test.

Checks actions to be performed by the MentalMap, such as receiving and updating players from the server, shooting, reloading and respawning.


Automated test.

Checks that the mock AudioManager is able to emulate loading and playing sounds.


Automated test.

Checks that the mock InputManager is able to emulate sending and receiving InputEvents from keyboard, window, etc.


Automated test.

Checks that the mock NetworkManager is able to emulate login, logout, sending player info and sending network events. It also tests receiving updates from the MentalMap.


This test is not automated.

The test displays the MockScreen.


This test is not automated.

Checks that the SDLInputManager is able to emulate sending and receiving InputEvents from keyboard.


  • Arrow keys control the crossing point coordinates.

  • Espace shoots, emitting a sound.

  • Escape exits the test.


Automated test.

Checks that the mock ImageManager is able to emulate sending and receiving images.


Automated test.

Checks that the mock RobotManager is able to emulate connecting to the robot and moving it.


Automated test.

Checks that the ImageEventListener in charge of detecting robots on the image works correctly.


Automated test. This test requires an actual webcam connected to the PC in order to work.

Checks that the YarpImageManager grabs images from the webcam.


Automated test.

Checks that the YarpNetworkManager is able to perform login, logout, sending player info and sending network events. It also tests disconnection when no keep alive message is sent to server.


Automated test.

Checks the whole game flow, similar to the different game state tests.


Automated test.

Checks that the SDLAudioManager is able to load and play sounds.


This test is not automated.

Checks that the SDLScreenMananger is able to load and display Screens.


This test is not automated.

Simple test displaying some bars and text in a SDL window.

Last updated