Mental Map

The MentalMap, stores all the information related to the game elements, such as players, targets and weapons. When some of these elements change, for instance, after a player has been hit, it notifies all the MentalMapEventListerners subscribed with a new event.

The main members of this class are:

  • getTargets(): obtain the targets stored in the MentalMap.

  • getPlayers(): obtain the players stored in the MentalMap.

  • getTarget(): obtain a certain target stored in the MentalMap.

  • getPlayer(): obtain a certain player stored in the MentalMap.

  • getMyself(): Get the player corresponding to the user.

  • addWeapon(Weapon weapon): stores a new weapon on the MentalMap.

  • getCurrentWeapon(): obtain the selected weapon.

  • shoot(): perform all the actions to be carried out when the user shoots (sound, update players, etc).

  • reload(): perform all the actions to be carried out when the user reloads (sound, update weapons, etc).

  • updatePlayers(): updates the players' data stored in the MentalMap. The current implementation just replaces the players inside the MentalMap by the new players received from the server.

  • updateTargets(): update the targets stored in the MentalMap. If a target previously detected is no longer present in the new detections, decreases the belief value until reaching 0. Then, it deletes that target.

  • respawn(): restores the health of current player (and does more stuff if needed).

  • addMentalMapEventListener(): registers a MentalMapEventListener that will be notified when new image events are received.

  • removeMentalMapEventListeners(): unsuscribes all the registered listeners, and they will not be notified until they are registered again.

  • onDataArrived(): this function is called to notify the MentalMap that new data has arrived from the server and the stored data has to be updated.

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