Image Manager

ImageManager class

The ImageManager class defines the interface required for receiving images from the robot.

The main methods of an ImageManager are:

  • start(), stop() and isStopped(): control the manager startup and halting.

  • addImageEventListener(): registers a ImageEventListener that will be notified when new image events are received.

  • removeImageEventListeners(): unsuscribes all the registered listeners, and they will not be notified until they are registered again.

  • configure(): configures some parameters of the manager.

  • getImage(): returns the last received image.

YarpImageManager class

YarpImageManager is an implementation of the ImageManager interface using YARP as communications middleware. It uses a yarp::os::TypedReaderCallback<yarp::os::Bottle> to receive images from the server and then notifies listeners that new images have arrived.

YarpLocalImageManager class

YarpLocalImageManager is an implementation of the ImageManager interface using YARP as communications middleware. It can be used to obtain a video feed from a webcam attached to the local PC. It creates a yarp opencv_grabber to publish images from the webcam and uses a yarp::os::TypedReaderCallback<yarp::os::Bottle> to receive those images. It then notifies listeners that new images have arrived.

MockImageManager class

MockImageManager is an implementation of the ImageManager for unit testing purposes. It allows to emulate receiving images from the remote robot, which can be loaded from the local hard drive.

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