Data Model

Robot Devastation's data model has three main elements:

  • Player: represents each one of the human (or AI) players currently participating in the game.

  • Target: if a player's robot has been detected by our robot, it has a Target assigned. This Target stores information about the location and volume of the detected robot.

  • Weapon: each player has (virtual) weapons installed on their robots. The Weapon stores the characteristics of each weapon.

Player class


  • name: Name of the player.

  • id: Number identifying that player in the game.

  • health: Current health of the player's robot.

  • max_health: Maximum health of the player's robot.

  • team_id: Number identifying the team the player's belongs to. (Note that team play has not been implemented yet).

  • score: Current score of the player. (Note that currently the scoring system is not implemented).

Target class

The Targetclass represents the location and perceived size of a enemy robot, and it is related to the player that controls that robot.


  • player_id: Id of the player that is represented by this target.

  • pos : Center of the box that bounds this target.

  • dimensions: Height and Width of the box that bounds this target.

  • belief: Quantity representing how sure we are that this target can currently be seen by the user's robot.

Weapon class

The Weapon class represents a virtual weapon installed in the robot.


  • name: Weapon's name.

  • damage: Damage that this weapon can inflict in one shot.

  • current_ammo: Current ammount of ammo.

  • max_ammo: Maximum ammount of ammo.

Last updated