Input Manager

InputManager class

The InputManager class defines the interface required for managing the input system in Robot Devastation. Other classes can then define the implementation of the InputManager according to, for instance, the library selected for reading user input.

The main methods of an InputManager are:

  • start(), stop() and isStopped(): control the manager startup and halting.

  • addInputEventListener(): registers a InputEventListener that will be notified when input events are generated by the user.

  • removeInputEventListeners(): unsuscribes all the registered listeners, and they will not be notified until they are registered again.

SDLInputManager class

SDLInputManager is an implementation of the InputManager interface using SDL as input backend. It sets a callback method that retrives SDL events and converts them to Robot Devastation input events. Currently only some key events and the exit cross on the game screen are supported as event generators.

MockInputManager class

MockInputManager is an implementation of the InputManager for unit testing purposes. It allows to generate input events from the testing code, without the need for a user. These events are generated from the following functions:

  • sendKeyPress(): Generates a Key Down followed by a Key Up event of a given key.

  • sendKeyUp(): Generates a Key Up event of a given key.

  • sendKeyDown(): Generates a Key Down event of a given key.

  • sendWindowEvent(): Generates a window event, such as closing the window.

Dependency with other elements

As explained in the Robot Devastation Overview section, the following classes implement the InputEventListener interface to receive input events:

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