Network Manager

NetworkManager class

The NetworkManager class defines the interface required for managing the network system in Robot Devastation. Other classes can then define the implementation of the NetworkManager according to, for instance, the library selected for connecting to the network / server. Note that configuration of the player data has to be performed before the NetworkManager is started.

The main methods of a NetworkManager are:

  • start(), stop() and isStopped(): control the manager startup and halting.

  • addNetworkEventListener(): registers a NetworkEventListener that will be notified when network events are generated by the server.

  • removeNetworkEventListeners(): unsuscribes all the registered listeners, and they will not be notified until they are registered again.

  • configure(): configure some network parameters (e.g. the player to be logged in).

  • login(): login in the game server.

  • logout(): logout from the game server.

  • keepAlive(): tells the server that you are still alive. If this signal is not sent every 60 seconds the server automatically logs out the player.

  • sendPlayerhit(): notify the server that an enemy has been hit.

A NetworkManager should also implement the required methods of the MentalMapEventListener interface:

  • onTargetHit(): notifies the game server that a player has been hit with sendPlayerhit().

  • onRespawn(): restores the player health after respawn.

YarpNetworkManager class

YarpNetworkManager is an implementation of the NetworkManager interface using YARP as communications middleware. It uses a yarp::os::TypedReaderCallback<yarp::os::Bottle> to receive data from the server and then notifies listeners that new data has arrived. It also owns a yarp::os::RpcClient to send data for login, logout and to notify the server that a robot has been hit.

A yarp::os::PeriodicThread is used to send periodically a keepAlive() signal to the game server to avoid being logged out.

MockNetworkManager class

MockNetworkManager is an implementation of the NetworkManager for unit testing purposes. It allows to emulate connections with The Server without the actual server being executed. It also allows reading / writing data to the emulated game server to check , for instance, if the player is logged in or to set the game players.

  • isLoggedIn(): checks if player is currently logged in the server.

  • isStopped(): checks if the manager is stopped.

  • setPlayerData(): sets the player data in the emulated server.

  • getPlayerData(): retrieves the player data from the emulated server.

  • sendPlayerData(): makes the MockNetworkManager receive player data from the emulated server, generating a NetworkEvent that is notified to all registered listeners.

  • setLoggedIn(): set the logged in status of the MockNetworkManager.

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