Robot Devastation Server

The Robot Devastation server manages the communications between robots and players, keeping track of players, scores, health levels, etc.

Main loop

The main execution loop of the Robot devastation perform two tasks:

  1. Broadcast player info through broadcast channel.

  2. Decrease players' belief. If any player arrives to 0 belief, the server logs that

    player out the server.

Server API

The Robot Devastation server has a very basic API to deal with all the current game events:

  • help: returns all the commands available.

  • login: logs in a player in the server.

  • logout: logs out a player in the server.

  • hit: applies damage to the health of the hit player.

  • respawn: restores player's health after death.

  • keepAlive: updates the belief of a player. Prevents the server from logging out that player due to inactivity.

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